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About Me:
Not Above Awareness

Not Above Awareness

A stacked series of houses, the top resident now becoming aware of the problems underlying the resident below. Ceramics slab piece debating a common belief.

Not Above Awareness

Not Above Awareness

Front view of ceramic piece.

Not Above Awareness

Not Above Awareness

The top view and detail of the strange little house.

Not Above Awareness

Not Above Awareness

The view where the two figurines can be seen interacting with each other.

Not Above Awareness

Not Above Awareness

Side details showing the festering problem slowly making it's way into the home below.

Precious Votive

Precious Votive

A blend of the culture Shintoism of Japan during the Jomon period with the culture of Christianity today. The two religions are meshed together in a blend of sharp, highly decorative lines representing one and soft, rounded tear-drop shaped curves representing the other. Symbols of love, peace, joy, and family lie in the heart. Ceramics coiling piece, using Japanese coiling technique to illustrate a blend of two vastly different cultures.

Precious Votive

Precious Votive

Front image of Precious Votive

Precious Votive

Precious Votive

Side view and details of Precious Votive.

Precious Votive

Precious Votive

Another side view and details of Precious Votive.

Traditional Story Teller

Traditional Story Teller

Using Native American story teller sculptures as inspiration, this story teller is dressed in traditional Slavic clothing along with his two granddaughters as he weaves his newest tale. Ceramic figure-sculpting piece.

Traditional Story Teller

Traditional Story Teller

Side image of piece.

Traditional Story Teller

Traditional Story Teller

The front view of the three figurines.

Traditional Story Teller

Traditional Story Teller

Another side view of the three figurines.

Sinking in the Storm

Sinking in the Storm

Old, beaten ship sinking below the fabric and metal waves. Metal and wood base with wood printed cardboard around the ship structure. Fabric is attached to the metallic waves. All items found from recycled or found materials.

Sinking in the Storm

Sinking in the Storm

Frontal image of the ship and the falling sails.

Sinking in the Storm

Sinking in the Storm

An angled image of the ship showing the top of the ship and details of the waves.

Sinking in the Storm

Sinking in the Storm

Side view of the violent waves, pulling the ship under.

Sinking in the Storm

Sinking in the Storm

Opposite side view of the ship and waves.

Gazebo Wedding

Gazebo Wedding

Openable box containing dancing figurines of bride and groom inside a gazebo aligned with roses. Wood sculpture with ceramic figures and ceramic roses and vines. Swirling vines made of metal. Moving parts piece.

Gazebo Wedding

Gazebo Wedding

Closed view of Gazebo Wedding

Gazebo Wedding

Gazebo Wedding

Another closed view of the box, where the panels show the figures hiding inside.

Gazebo Wedding

Gazebo Wedding

Ceramic, gold leaf detail along the top of the gazebo.

Gazebo Wedding

Gazebo Wedding

A view of the opened gazebo with the bride dancing and groom playing the accordion.

Gazebo Wedding

Gazebo Wedding

Another view of the opened gazebo with the bride dancing and groom playing the accordion.

Family Staff

Family Staff

Roughly carved staff, portraying great grandmother's family emblems in shields. Knot at top portraying great-grandfather's family. Dedicated to my grandfather. Images are all painted with acrylic paints. Rope died red and wrapped around the staff.

Family Staff

Family Staff

Close up view of carved details.

Family Staff

Family Staff

Top of the staff and details of the carved "knot."

Spirit of Journey

Spirit of Journey

Trophy figurine for my growth at Florida State University. Wielding and forming wire piece, painted in colors of gold and red.

Spirit of Journey

Spirit of Journey

Backside view of the wire trophy piece.

Dissolving Pangaea (side view)

Dissolving Pangaea (side view)

Spinning globe of Gondwana and Laurentia super-continents, with different tales of creation printed along the inside. Movable parts project mixing media. Wood carved to portray mountain ranges, red fish lining hold the wood cutouts to spherical wires.

October Still Life

October Still Life

Still life drawing of October set-up.

Skulls and Antler Still Life

Skulls and Antler Still Life

Still life study of various bones, including deer bones and large tusks.

Skeletal Study

Skeletal Study

Study of the skeleton using a skeletal model.

Muscles Study

Muscles Study

Studying the major muscle groups using a model's stance.

Portrait Series

Portrait Series

Forty minute portrait study.

Portrait Series

Portrait Series

Twenty minute portrait study.

Portrait Series

Portrait Series

Twenty minute portrait study.

Kind of Blue Album

Kind of Blue Album

A new, romantic take on the jazz album, Kind of Blue, by Miles Davis. Silk screen design.

Leap of Faith

Leap of Faith

Ongoing Storyboard design of a Jack-in-the-box and a stair case. Painted using acrylics.

Nouveau Bagpipes

Nouveau Bagpipes

Music and flower blend together in the organic nature of Nouveau design using complimentary colors. Painted using acrylics.

Stars and Look-alikes

Stars and Look-alikes

Using someone famous with a distinctive characteristic and a twin image in a continuum of film reels and piano cords. Monochromatic painting using acrylics.

Moving Shapes

Moving Shapes

Simple shape project to create a complicated design. Painted using acrylics.

Boxes and Hole Punches

Boxes and Hole Punches

Simple Shape design, where basic shapes can be used to portray three dimensions. Done using Illustrator.

My Own World

My Own World

Panorama traveling from reality into a world of imagination. Created using photoshop.

Mountain Creek

Mountain Creek

Small little vacation spot in North Carolina where a creek runs. Watercolor painting from a snap shot taken during a long and restful afternoon.

Reflection of Elements

Reflection of Elements

Exploration into which elements best describe my persona. To the side, symbols of water and earth are stitched onto the image. Woodcut print piece.

Dream Journal

Dream Journal

Compilation of Dream Journal pages. Small multiple piece illustrating an idea or a concept. This piece focuses on the dreams I jot down during the night.

Dream Journal

Dream Journal

Cover of book multiple.

Dream Journal

Dream Journal

Pages 1 and 2 of Dream Journal.

Dream Journal

Dream Journal

Pages 3 and 4 of Dream Journal.

Dream Journal

Dream Journal

Pages 5 and 6 of Dream Journal.

Dream Journal

Dream Journal

Back of Dream Journal with stitching details.

Miscelaneous Images





Series of Sketchbook Gestures

Series of Sketchbook Gestures

A series of 5 minute to 10 minute sketches made and compiled together.

Series of Sketchbook Gestures

Series of Sketchbook Gestures

Series of Sketchbook Gestures

Series of Sketchbook Gestures

Series of Sketchbook Gestures

Series of Sketchbook Gestures

Series of Sketchbook Gestures

Series of Sketchbook Gestures

Series of Classroom Gestures

Series of Classroom Gestures

A compilation of 5 to 10 minute gestures made in a classroom setting.

Series of Classroom Gestures

Series of Classroom Gestures

Series or Classroom Gestures

Series or Classroom Gestures

Series of Classroom Gestures

Series of Classroom Gestures

Series of Classroom Gestures

Series of Classroom Gestures

Series of Classroom Gestures

Series of Classroom Gestures

Gesture Drawings

This is my undergraduate portfolio work, illustrating my abilities in sculpture, painting, drawing, ceramics, and printmaking. 


For my graduate portfolio specifically in Animation please visit my website:



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